A lot of Christ followers aren’t following Christ anymore, and you probably know some of them: The Ex-vangelicals, the Nones, Dones, the De-converted or the De-churched.
If the “news” is such good news, why the burnout and turnout rates with Pastors? What’s behind the mute-ness and inert-ness and uncertain-ness of the people who are known as “disciples” of Jesus, the Christ? What’s going on here?
Whatever “it” is – it’s inside and outside. It’s inside the church walls, impacting staff and congregations alike. It’s affecting seminaries, missionaries, family and friends. Even outside, the watching world is noticing. It’s almost as if discipleship has been “hacked”.
What to do? Now that’s a really good question!
Let’s have a conversation:
In person or in-virtual, Dennis wants to talk to you – as leaders, pastors, ministers, leaders of small groups, deacons, bishops, elders and professors.
It isn’t your fault. Yet now….it’s your purpose and call to lead us out of this!
Are you seeing the disciple dilemma take it’s toll on your community? Book Dennis to speak at your church, or at your next event to help inspire leaders toward the action of making disciples.
Discipleship: Design and Manufacturing What’s going on with the church? How has it become an institution that provides services? How is it weathering the cultural move from Christianity to secularism and beyond? Is there anything
In the Harvard Business School book “Competing for the Future” Gary Hamel & CK Pralahad assert that mature organizations tend to have managers rather than leaders at the helm, to the detriment of the organization.
Why did the map float up to the roof and just hang there? It was a dark and moonless night – high over the Atlantic Ocean. I had just finished a series of aggressive turns,
Abstract: Due to troublesome symptoms emerging and accelerating in American Protestant and Evangelical communities, this article discusses how does the Gospel and how does discipleship manifest in the American church today? Using Bill Hull’s suggestions